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Michael Thurman Six Week Body Makeover

by Renee B

Michael Thurmond's 6 Week Body Makeover is a weight loss program that has been developed over a fifteen-year period. This weight loss system is presented online and in infomercials. The 6 Week Body Makeover is available online for approximately $100. You can find it on ebay, on the Provida website, as well as other online stores. Do a search and shop around.

Michael Thurmond's 6 Week Body Makeover is an interesting blueprinting system in which you answer a series of specific questions then are "assigned" a Body Type (A, B, C, etc) based upon your answers. Your eating plan is completely customized based on your body type. You customize a binder with specific information for your body type.

You will be provided with a very specific eating plan to follow balancing proteins, carbohydrates, vegetables, and fruits, again based upon your body type. Foods are grouped accordingly (A, B, C). The "best" foods are your "A" foods. They are the leanest proteins and healthiest veggies and fruits and carbs. Your Food Plan is specific and strict. There are certain foods you have to eat at certain times - breakfast, mid-morning snack, lunch, mid-afternoon snack, and dinner, evening snack is optional.

A wonderful resource are the forums on the 6 Week Body Makeover website. I think it's crucial to your success to check out the recipes on the forums. You'll find that there are numerous meal ideas within the confines of the food choices in your food selections.

You then continue customizing your binder by blueprinting your body and customizing body-sculpting exercises that target the specific areas of need. Aerobic exercise is crucial to the success of your Body Makeover. The body-sculpting exercises are done with exercise bands, the toning exercises in the binder as well as a video that demonstrates how the sculpting exercises are done.

The balance of the right foods, exercise and lots of water (at least 100 ounces a day) is a guarantee for success. The forums on the 6 Week Body Makeover website offer support for: "newbies", success stories, motivation, problems and challenges, food and eating, travel and eating out, body sculpting, recipe exchange, and the specific body types.

The communities that form on the forums are a wonderful network of people who are going through the same trials and tribulations as you. The recipe exchange is quite possibly the key to keeping you POP (Perfect On Plan). Too often people fall off track because they find the foods boring and restrictive. If they are willing to make that 100 percent commitment then they will see success.


The biggest downfall is that the 6 Week Body Makeover is really a total lifestyle change. There is no turning back to the "old ways" of eating or you are asking for failure and weight gain. One more important fact about Michael Thurmond's 6 Week Body Makeover eating plan - No Sugars, No Fats, No Caffeine, and No Dairy products.

I'm not sure if the 6 Week Body Makeover is realistic because of how restrictive the plan is for people. Though it's worth a short since there are thousands of people who have been successful on Michael Thurmond's 6 Week Body Makever!

Renee B

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