The renovations are nearly finished here, woohoo… And I can’t wait to move back into my office. We’ve certainly had some crazy fun fat loss coaching and accountability calls with reno’s as my backdrop. 🙂
So today I want to share with you something that’s close to my heart…
When it comes to fat loss, it’s never all or nothing, despite what you may have been told in the past.
There’s always a workaround
It can be figured out
The only person preventing that from happening is you.
Now before you get cranky about that last comment, let me explain… :-)… I say this because I genuinely care.
You can spend hours, days, months, years talking yourself out of your goals, your dream body, your dream life…
Or you can spend that time actually taking positive action towards your fat loss goals.
Your workouts can be tweaked
Your eating can be tweaked
Your workout times can be changed
The length of your workouts changed
Your food prep tweaked
You can work on your mindset and motivation – you can do this in an as little as 5 – 10 mins a day
You can have the most awesome trainer in the world, the most kick ass workout program and nutrition…
But if you CHOOSE to hold yourself back, if you choose to say “it’s too hard” – “I can’t do it” and lie to yourself because it’s a comfy place to be…
Then you can’t expect to get results.
Every ounce of action counts – positive or negative.
By positive I mean getting in there and doing it.
By negative I mean spending 4 hours a day thinking about it and tossing it around in your head, coming up with all the bad stuff that will happen if you get into shape, all the drama around it, and then talking yourself out of it… And then telling people you’ve tried to do it, and it didn’t work.
Why didn’t it work?
Because you didn’t want it too.
You say you want it, but you chose to do everything you could to sabotage it and prevent your fat loss goals from taking place.
…Often doing it out of habit, without even realising it.
If you take 50% positive action towards your fat loss, that’s 50% results. Which is a awesome massive step forward, compared to 0%, right?
Think of it like this…
If you decide to build a house…
If you do nothing, freak yourself out over it, it won’t happen.
If you put in 50%, 60% towards building it, that’s half way or more that it’s closer to being completed. That’s huge!
If a goal is truly important to you, you’ll find a way to make it happen.
Truth is, it’s actually easier to achieve, once you let go of the “drama” you create around it, and stop putting and creating extra obstacles in front of yourself.
I challenge you today to make the choice to make things easier, to stop creating added drama, to see things for what they really are and create your Ultimate Dream Body.
If you’re ready to take action today… And know that enough is enough, if you’re ready to genuinely step up…
Click here to apply to set the ball rolling on your own awesome lean feminine body transformation.
Big hugs
Mandy xo