I have to say that Laura and Adam would have to be one of the most inspiring fitness couples I know. The support they have for each other in life and towards each other’s fitness goals is truly moving. I’m in absolutely awe of their dedication to stay on track and to ensure they each stick to their fitness regime’s so they can achieve the results they’ve trained so hard for.
I asked Laura and Adam if they’d mind doing a follow-up interview with me so I could quiz them about how they support each other and what tips and hints for couples they might have where either one, or both of the partners, are striving to get into great shape.
If you and your friend or partner are struggling with your training goals this just might be the blog post you need to read to get you back on track…
1. Tell us about how your individual transformations came about. Were you over weight, what kind of lifestyle you were living before your transformations? And what led to you wanting to get into shape and start kicking butt with your training?
Laura – I started this fitness journey 1 year ago. I was tired, out of shape and not feeling good about myself. I made the decision to change, enough was enough. I cleaned up my diet joined the gym and got a trainer. The changes started slowly and then there was no stopping me. I wanted this really bad.
Adam – I have always struggled with dieting and weight loss like most people most of my life. The way I am looking at this lifestyle change is no more rollercoaster dieting, just eating right making better choices and hardcore workouts. No more workout routines that seem to get zero results. HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) for cardio all the way. If I don’t feel it then I’m not working hard enough. I started 9 months ago after seeing the transformation Laura made. She was and is so inspiring that I joined the gym and lost 40 pounds. My next goal is to have six pack abs. My weight right now is less than what I wrestled in high school.
2. Do you and Adam train together?
The only time we get to train together are on the weekends. We also go to an outdoor boot camp class once or twice a week, which is really fun and a nice change from the gym. We just started running the bleachers and track on Sunday with a group of friends. There are a lot of couples who join us!! Fitness is a great thing to share with your spouse.
If yes: what times of the day?
We go to the gym or track in the morning around 8 or 9 am. We like to get our workout in before the kids wake up. We are lucky to have a 16 year old who is home with the younger kids while we exercise.
If no: what time of the day do each of you train?
Adam – When we don’t train together I work out at 5:30am before heading off work.
Laura – I train after dropping the kids off at school. If I don’t do it in the morning I know I won’t do it later.
Feel free to explain any differences when you’re competing etc.
When I am competing, we start our workout together and then I go and train any body part that needs work by myself. Adam will spot me if I need help to get through a hard set.
3. What are the benefits, do you find, of you training together and / or both striving to get into great shape?
Training together gives us time to spend together, sometimes it’s the only time we get to have a full conversation!! Having a common interest in fitness keeps us both motivated and we have a lot to talk about. We also complain to each other how sore we are 🙂 . We also know when we can get extra reps out of each other or raise the weight… 🙂 🙂
4. How would you explain yours and Adam’s fitness lifestyle? And some of the advantages of it.
Fitness is our lifestyle now, it is second nature, it is what we do. It has created a bond for both of us. We have been married for 19 years and been through a lot. This is something we get to share together and enjoy. We always have something to talk about. We get to support each other and watch each other grow as an individual. We even exercise together when we are on vacation!! It is the best support system when you know you are there for each other. 🙂 🙂
5. Do you find that because you’re both working towards similar goals in regards to your fitness / training lifestyle and goals… has it bought you closer together as a couple? What have / has been your biggest challenges (in regards to implementing a fitness lifestyle) and how did / do you handle them?
It has definitely brought us closer together. Sometimes couples just get caught up in day to day living. Then one day realize they have drifted apart. Having fitness as a common interest gives us something new to talk about every day. Weather it’s a new exercise, up coming competition, fitness article, or supplement. The best part is the encouragement we give each other towards our individual personal goals and long term competitive goals.
6. How do you both encourage and motivate each other?
Laura – Adam is one of my biggest motivators. He makes sure I keep on track, go to the gym and eat right. He gives me pep talks and reminds me how much I have accomplished and to keep going.
Adam – Just looking at Laura inspires me to work out and get in the best possible shape so we can enjoy a long happy life together. Who wouldn’t be motivated by a 44 year old woman with 3 children that is often mistaken for someone in their thirties… 🙂 🙂 I love hearing Laura say “If you believe, you will achieve”. Laura helped me put my goals in a journal along with my exercises and food. She has to always take personal training classes to keep up her certifications so I am always learning new exercises. The TRX is a great new routine to add into my ever changing workouts.
7. How do you plan out your quality time together? And do you find that training is a great form of quality time together?
Exercising on the weekends and doing boot camp and the bleachers together is a large part of our quality time together. We also get to share this time with other couples. All our friends are getting into shape together so we get to motivate each other. It is a much better way to spend time with your friends then going out and drinking!
8. What do you appreciate the most about Adam and his support and how he supports you.
I could not do what I do without Adam’ full support. He is always there encouraging me to push harder, step out of my comfort zone and be the best I can be. He has also become quite a great photographer!! He takes some of my best photos.
9. Adam, what do you appreciate the most about Laura and her support and how she supports you.
Laura is so full of positive energy that we fondly call “Laura’s Aura” which is quite contagious. Laura has a powerful smile that can warm anyone’s heart. When your wife of 19 years tells you that you are looking good and feeling firm you can’t help but think how lucky you are. She encourages me to do new exercises I am not familiar with to hit muscles I didn’t know could be sore. She leaves me notes to have a great workout and kick butt!!! Laura keeps a tight hold of the supplements, protein bars and powder that I like which makes it easy to stay on course. If I travel out of town on business she is thoughtful enough to have extra protein bars in case there are unhealthy meal choices made by coworkers or customers.
10. Do you both have some kind of routine / roster set up where you help each other with meal planning and cooking etc?
We basically eat the same thing each morning. Adam makes a protein pancake with egg white and protein powder and I eat a bowl of oatmeal and a protein shake. Adam brings lunch and snacks to work so he stays on track, I will have a chicken breast with a sweet potato or tuna on ezekeil bread. For dinner we have a salad, grilled chicken, sweet potato and broccoli.
11. Do you both compete? Competing is hard yakka. How do you both go about supporting each other during this time?
I am the only one competing at the moment. Adam is a pro at keeping me on track making sure I am eating well. Sometimes near a competition I can get a little tired, cranky and nervous. He has a way of calming me down and making me feel better. Adam is training hard and has his sights on entering his first competition in 2011!!!!
And Adam came in third place in the Evolution Fitness 90 Day Challenge and got his own trophy!!!!
12. Are you able to give us a sample of what your “average” off season (not pre-comp) individual daily menus would look like?
Adam’s metabolism doesn’t allow him to have an off season. So I also maintain clean eating to support him. Of course if we go to a party or out to dinner we try not to focus on the food and enjoy ourselves.
13. What do your individual off season training routines consist off? Would you mind sharing what your workouts would consist of over a 7 day period.
Cardio 4 to 5 days a week
• 5 minute Warm up on treadmill
• 20 minute HIT cardio continually increasing the speed and grade of the treadmill
• 5 minute Cool down
Monday: Legs – Quads
• 3 sets of leg extentions
• 3 sets of leg press
• 3 sets of walking lunges
• 3 sets of squats
Abs exercises
Tuesday: Off or cardio & Abs
Wednesday: Biceps, Shoulders and Triceps
• 3 sets of bicep curls,
• 3 sets of hammer curls
• 3 overhead shoulder press
• 3 sets of side shoulder raises
• 3 sets of front raises
• 3 sets of tricep extensions
• 3 sets of tricep dips to failure
Abs exercises
Thursday: Off or Cardio & Abs
Friday: Hamstrings and Calves
• 3 sets seated or lying hamstring curls
• 3 sets of one leg, leg presses
• 3 sets of deadlifts
• 3 sets of walking lunges
• 3 seats calf raises
Saturday: Chest and Back
• 3 sets of chest presses
• 3 Sets of cable flyes
• 3 Sets of push ups
• 3 Sets of lat pull downs
• 3 Sets of seated rows
• 3 Sets of bent over rows
• 3 sets of assisted pull ups
School Bleachers
14. Do you have a home-gym? Or do you both train at the gym? Or go between training at home and the gym? Depending on your time-table etc.
We do have a lot of exercise equipment at home like balls and bands (I like all sorts of exercise gadgets), but we train at the gym. We find it is the most motivating place for us. We meet friends at a local school and run the bleachers and set up other exercise stations around the track most Sundays. Adam also goes to a boot camp four times a week as well as going to the gym to work out with weights.
15. What are both your plans for the future in regards to what you want to achieve with your fitness lifestyles individually and as a couple?
Right now I am working on earning my Pro Card in Figure. I just started fitness modeling and am working on a web site and internet marketing. Adam is training to enter his first competition in 2011.
As a couple we want to share what we have learned about health and fitness with others. Fitness is a great way to learn more about yourself. You learn how to set goals, and manage your time. It’s about discipline and challenging yourself to be the best you can be. It’s about helping and motivating others. That STRONG is the new skinny..
16. What tips and ideas can you offer VFT’s subscribers and readers in regards to supporting themselves and their partners with their fitness lifestyle?
Most people in the fitness community are friendly, helpful and easy to approach at the gym. Always change your work out to challenge yourself. The more you change your work out the better chance you will see changes in your body.
Thanks so much Laura and Adam for taking the time in your busy lives to have this interview.
You guys totally rock! What an awesome example of a couple supporting each other with their fitness goals. I’m totally impressed!
You can also check out Laura’s Face Book Fan page here:
Kind regards
Virtual Fitness Trainer