In today’s issue of FUN, HOT, NO B.S. Fitness Magazine!…
You’re going to to learn 4 of my own life lessons that I’ve personally used to help me to triumph over emotional and overwhelming days.
If you’ve ever felt like you’re on the verge of tears and everything just seems to be crashing in around you then take the time to read this article that I’ve written especially for you.
It’s a struggle that so many people go through – yet just move through life feeling like they’re never really going to be able to fix things.
Do I really need to tell you what being able to overcome this will do for you? Think about it…
So let’s get started!
Do you ever feel the pressure to try and stay on top of everything?
What are your tips and tricks to striking the right balance for you?
With so many different approaches, I’m interested to hear what’s working for you too.
Remember, the more specific you are — the better.
VFT – Fun, Hot, NO B.S. Fitness!
Do you ever feel like you’re smacking your head against a brick wall with your fitness efforts or other things in life?
Or feeling like you’re just having “one of those days” when things just seem to keep going wrong?
It doesn’t necessarily have to be about your fitness program. It could be your personal life, your work, family, your bills, a “cause” you are passionate about, your studies, your goals…
Do you ever feel like what ever it is that you’re struggling with is too hard to tackle and will never be resolved?
If you’ve read my transformation story, you understand that I also know how that feels.
I know what it’s like to lay in bed and think “I don’t want to face the day ahead” and the thought of getting up and confronting that gut wrenching challenge bringing me to tears as I wasn’t sure how to deal with it. It seemed too BIG and OVERWHELMING for me to take on.
Here’s what I’ve learnt, and I’ve had to learn this hard way…
I hope, if you’re having a crappy day, or you’re feeling down about things in regards to what lies ahead for you, that these tips help – they’re not in any particular order, I’m not by any means qualified in the field of psychology.. I’ve just personally found that they’ve helped me… and felt like sharing them today.
1. Rather than freaking out and looking at the overall size of an issue and thinking WHOA! And becoming swamped by it…
Break it down piece by piece into small steps. Write down what you can realistically do about it. And just tackle it bit by bit. Give yourself a task or small goal that you can do this week – and follow through with it.
Example: It can be as simple as writing an email or making a phone call, doing something positive, creating a task for yourself that will make things easier for you in life or for your fitness program. Then have a goal for next week, for the next month, then another goal or step for the following month.
Be proud of yourself for each step you do take. Tell someone who genuinely supports and cares about you the achievements, steps and goals you’re reaching (and wanting to reach) and are completing. Allow yourself to be happy and chuffed about your progress – no matter how small or large it may seem to you, every bit counts.
2. Don’t be afraid to ask for help and support. It can feel embarrassing sometimes to ask for help — I personally find it difficult too, but then often wish I had’ve done it sooner. 🙂
When someone is looking in from the outside they can have a different perspective of your situation. And not only can they often offer some great advice, they can also help with tasks that might need to be done or even something that you might personally need help with.
3. Think about some of your fears and obstacles. Take one at a time. Then jot down the following:
a. How true is it – what I’m telling myself – that’s making me fear whatever it is that I’m so intimidated by?
b. Does anyone else really think this about me, or am I just presuming this about myself… eg, I’ve just convinced myself it’s true.
c. If I went ahead and tackled the obstacle, what’s the worse that could happen? And is there a way I can tackle it in a more level headed manner that could help me approach it better … that could ease the anxiety a little. So you’re still facing it, but without feeling like you’re getting yourself so churned up about it that you feel like you’re going to pass out.
d. Remember that there are 1000’s and 1000’s of folk that are intimidated by the same things you are. Personally there have been many things I have struggled with, but when I choose to do something about it I experience a huge surge of relief, exhilaration (that I accomplished it) and kick myself thinking “what the heck I was doing all that time stressing about it?”. I should’ve faced it and taken action sooner.
4. Surround yourself with people that are positive and supportive.
It’s easy to get pulled down by all the negativity of friendships, gossip and crap that goes on around you. Whether you’re male or female…
… If there’s something you’re super passionate about, and would love to do or need help with – then get involved with local programs or online fitness communities that have folk that share your dreams and goals.
Make an effort to be around people that genuinely want to see you do well.
Having people bagging your ideas and running you into the ground all the time makes it so much harder for you to get focused on being positive and enthusiastic about life. Lets face it, some people just love everyone to feel as miserable as they do. If they see you taking steps to improve your life, they try to hamper it. Frankly that’s downright crappy of them. But that’s their problem- not yours. So don’t allow yourself to take on their crap… just get on with working on your goals and making them happen.
Everyone has obstacles they need to tackle.
It’s sooooooo easy to let the days, months and years pass by and just give up on the things that make you special and that you’re passionate about.
Don’t waste another minute with regrets and fear. I can tell you from personal experience it’s debilitating and…
Will prevent you from doing things you’d absolutely love to do in life.
You deserve to be happy and overcome things that are bogging you down in life and holding you back.
Imagine, instead of waking up in the morning and dreading the day ahead, feeling excited about your day – because you know you’re living a life that’s driven by confidence, optimism, you have more clear cut goals about what and where you are with your life and what you want to do. And feel assured that what you’re doing is something you’re passionate about.
I hope these tips help you and remind you that you can move forward and that what lies ahead may take you on a path that you never thought possible for yourself.
Lots of hugs to you
VFT – Fun, Hot, NO BS Fitness!