Today I’m going to show you how to reduce BACK fat eg… rolls of fat on your back, bra overhang for women, whatever you want to call it…
Let’s face it, it’s annoying and uncomfortable. It affects what you wear and how you wear your clothes – not to mention your self confidence.
You know what’s it like when your shirts and tank tops don’t fit properly. It’s hot, and you stifle away (even in winter – you won’t take your jacket or jumper off) because you’re concerned about trying to “cover -up” your back fat.
Wearing bra’s in general is uncomfy. And when you’re wearing bra’s and you’re carrying extra body fat (especially in summer)… it drives you crazy!
So below I’ve included a back workout with 4 Back Exercises for a sexy back :-)… and a sample eating plan for you to help get you on track!
I hope you enjoy today’s lesson … PLEASE leave your feedback ON THE COMMENTS box below!
VFT – Fun, Hot, NO B.S. Fitness!

During my school years, and even into my early 20’s – on and off – I suffered from weight gain. I’d lose it and put it back on again. It was frustrating.
I naturally have a broad back, in fact, I remember when I went for my very first bra fitting in my early teens and the lady in the store asking me if I was a “swimmer” – I said “no” – she responded with “I’ve never seen such a broad back on such a young girl” and told me how I was going to have “lots of problems with bras fitting me because my back was so big!”.
What a way to make an impression on a 13 year old girl. Being a late developer, compared to the rest of the girls at school, I thought, was bad enough. But this just topped it off.
Even though I was very athletic, it was during the holidays that I would pack on the weight. I tend to store body fat in my upper body more than my lower body. So when I would put on extra body fat my chest, back, tummy and lower back (love handles) would increase considerably – yet my legs would stay in pretty good shape. So back fat and bra overhang was always something that I struggled with.
I’m still conscious of it now, and it’s just one of the many reasons why I strive to keep in shape.
So how do you reduce back fat?
Well rather than go on and on as to why you get back fat… I’m going to show you, right now, how you can help tone your back and reduce back fat.
First Up… 4 Exercises For A Sexy Back
Assisted Pull-ups
Have the bar set at chest height. Now sit down on the floor with your legs out in front of you. Reach up and grab the bar using an overhand grip slightly wider than shoulder width apart. Pull yourself up and lower yourself down until your arms are extended. Make sure your midsection is firm throughout the movement. Then repeat.
Smith Machine Inverted Row
Lay under the bar have your arms outstretched and your hands holding onto the bar using a wide overhand grip.
Keeping your body straight, pull your chest towards the bar, keeping your midsection firm.
Then lower yourself to starting position and repeat.
To make this movement more difficult, as you become more accustomed to this exercise, just lower the bar.
- Also when using the smith machine make sure the bar is latched securely onto the catch. And the safety latch is also in place. It’s vital that you have both secured.
Dumbbell Rear Lateral Raises
Seated on a bench bend forward with a dumbbell in each hand. Have your arms extended and elbows slightly bent.
Raise your dumbbells out to the sides and up to shoulder height. Focus on squeezing your shoulder blades together. Only raise your arms, not your upper body and keep your midsection firm throughout the movement. Slowly lower the dumbbells down again to starting position. And repeat.
Superman – Level 2
Lying face down on the floor, have your arms extended out in front of you and your legs outstretched behind you.
Keeping your feet and legs on the floor, raise both your arms off the floor.
Pause and then lower them down to the floor again. Continue until you’ve completed your set.
How to perform the Back Workout:
Perform each exercise directly after each other. This will equal 1 set.
Assisted Pull-ups (as many as you safely can)
Smith Machine Inverted Row (as many as you safely can)
Dumbbell Rear Lateral Raises (8-12 reps)
Superman – Level 2 (10-20, depending on your lower back strength)
Have a rest. Then repeat.
If you’re more advanced then you can perform a total of 4 sets.
Incorporate the above into your exercise routine. Make sure you train all body parts – not just your back. By increasing your overall lean muscle, you’ll “up” your metabolism and encourage your body to burn more body fat throughout the day – even while resting!
Nutrition To Help Reduce The Back Fat (reducing body fat)
Go here to view Mandy’s Kick-Start Your Transformation Sample Eating Plan – blog post
Nutrition is sooooo important when it comes to reducing body fat. Make your eating plan straight forward. So start out simple, with just the basics and once you get into the swing of things, then you can start experimenting a little more in the kitchen. That way between your training and nutrition you won’t overwhelm yourself. The faster you get on track the sooner you’ll see the results!
VFT – Fun, Hot, NO B.S. Fitness!