Before I go any further let me say that getting into shape is possible and that YOU genuinely can do it – BUT it’s not just about having some whizz bang program that’s going to magically turn you into a female or male fitness model.
I know you’ve probably heard this hundreds, if not thousands of times, before.
The Fact is, it’s true!!!
Let’s face if it wasn’t possible then no one would be in shape. Right?
It’s actually how you go about it that makes the difference. And trying to achieve your fitness aspirations and results can be a vicious cycle. There is so much information out there as to what to do and what not to do. It’s not surprising that so many people become overwhelmed, disheartened and down-right peeved by all the hoopla and nonsense that’s continually dished out to them!…
I know I am!
Often when it comes to losing body fat, increasing lean muscle, or whatever your goal is – the nitty gritty of it isn’t necessarily discussed, promoted – or even explained to you. Because at the end of the day most people flinch at the thought of having to exercise and consume a healthy eating plan. Right? So why on earth would a company promote all the supposed “real stuff” that you have to do, up front in their promos or infomercials? Especially when they know that you’ve probably tried various things in the past and it hasn’t worked or it’s become too complicated.
Well here’s the thing…
Without the right tools you will continue to be dragged down the frustrating and disconcerting path of feeling like your ongoing road blocks are making it impossible, often to the point of giving up hope altogether of reaching the fitness goals you’re wanting to achieve. (Don’t worry, I’ll be providing you with the tools and advice you need over the coming weeks)
In the meantime, so you understand what I’m saying here…
Let me give you some examples:
a. You buy some new fad exercise machine or weird diet, then don’t follow it through, because something else new, faster and possibly more interesting has been launched. The programs and equipment that you already own fall by the way side. You get started on the new stuff, then within a month or so something else is launched to the fitness market.
You feel like you have to have it! And that this could be the key!
Often these gadgets, fads and gizmo promos can give you the impression that they are better than anything else you’ve ever tried. So you grab the phone, rip out the credit card and before you know it you’ve got another “fitness / ab / weight loss” something-or-rather being stashed in your spare room that you never completed or finished.
b. How often have you started a workout or fitness program with no real idea of what you are doing? You didn’t check it out properly when you first purchased it. You got caught up in the hype, when really, it wasn’t even something that you’d realistically use or – even worse – it doesn’t even suit your specific fitness goals anyway!
c. How many times have you joined a gym with the intention of getting into shape but lost track in amongst trying to figure out what gym equipment to use and how to use it? Then got fed up because you didn’t have anyone to help you, teach you or encourage you, so you felt intimidated and kinda lost.
You attend the gym a few times within a month. Then didn’t go back again. However you keep the auto deduction payments going through on your credit card or bank account “just in case” you change your mind. After 1000’s of dollars later you decide to cancel the membership. And wished you had’ve done it earlier.
More money down the drain!
d. What about the last time you started a “fad diet”?
Was it designed to suit your workout or training goals? Was it one of those plans where you consume some weird drink / potion for a week, that tastes like crap, and that you’ve never heard of? You feel sick, get headaches and then decide to gorge yourself on whatever junk you can get your hands on at the closest grocery store to your home or work. You get annoyed with yourself because you couldn’t even hold out for a week! Then that awful feeling of failure kicks in, and then you decide – once again – that it’s just not possible for you to achieve your goals. It’s just not meant to happen for you.
The hot weather has arrived – and you’re not ready for it. You’re back in a panic trying to figure out how you can lose those kilos, tone those arms and legs so you can be comfortable and enjoy the summer in clothes that don’t stifle you.
During the winter months it’s no secret that most people figure that because they’re not having to show their arms, legs, tummy’s etc – covering them up with jeans, tracksuit pants, jumpers etc – that they can have some time off their fitness regime. And before you know it you’re not exercising at all AND are consuming way too much high calorie comfort food.
When you feel like you’ve “let yourself go” it seems like everyone else seems to be out and about looking great in shorts, tank tops, dresses, swimwear etc while you’re missing out on all the fun.
Unfortunately often by the time you are just getting into the swing of your health and fitness plan summer is over and autumn has arrived – winter kicks in. And the cycle starts again.
I can virtually hear the voice in your head screaming at me…:
– “So what! It’ll never change, I have heard this before, I’ve tried hundreds of plans and they never work”
– “I’m stressed at work and the hours are too long for me to workout and eat right”
– “I’ve got so close to be being in terrific shape, but then plateaued and couldn’t seem to go any further.”
– “But my mates drink beer, eat fried chicken and pizza every weekend when watching the sports channel, it’s tradition”
– “it’s just middle age – I have to resign to the fact that I am always going to be fat”
– “my whole family is overweight so I don’t have a choice”
– “weight training makes me fat”
– “I don’t have time”
– “I can’t go to the gym (or go jogging or walking outdoors) looking like this. I’ll have to lose some weight first, then get some new fitness clothing so I can look the part, then I’ll get cracking on my training program”.
– “there is nothing I can do to lose body fat, after giving birth to my children it was all downhill from there.”
It sounds understandably frustrating doesn’t it when you read through this?
But most people fall victim to this and it’s hard not too when you don’t have the knowledge or tools to break free from this wearisome merry go round of self-doubt and reasons for not getting into shape.
From my own experiences, and from what I’ve learnt from working with personal training clients over the years, these issues need to be addressed so you can gain more clarity in regards to these obstacles… as to what they are and how you’re going to overcome them.
Let’s face it, most people want the quick fix, the “miracle” pill, the easy way to look and feel like a million bucks. If they can’t get that, then it’s just too hard. Many would rather go spend $10,000’s on an operation to do the trick every few years – to keep things at bay for a while – rather than exercise and eat correctly.
Sooner or later you need to stop the quick fix mentality, you can either get on track and figure out what works for you – and make it happen – or just continue to give up because you genuinely believe it’s not doable.
So here’s the good news! HURRAY! 🙂 Sit tight, don’t give up and get ready to make some changes…
Over the following weeks I’m going to share with you how you can genuinely turn your fitness efforts around, get out of that cycle of self doubt and start kicking butt with your workouts and your eating!
Lots of hugs and warm regards…