It’s another amazing Monday afternoon here, the sun is shining, and I’m so grateful for the life I have and live and what lies ahead.

I was thinking to myself how easy it is to just “let things slip”, to allow the stuff that affected you last week, to mess up this week.
Maybe you didn’t get your food prep done. Maybe you felt really unorganized, all over the place and didn’t get your workouts in at the time of the day where you prefer to train.
Maybe a friend, a family member threw a spanner in the works that you weren’t expecting.
Yes… all this can happen.
Yes… all this can feel like it’s messed up your week. But truth is you probably handled it better than you think you did.
And if you didn’t, learn from it and move on.
Every week, every day is a NEW opportunity for you to create an amazing day, an amazing week.
Life doesn’t get better by chance, it gets better by change.
Sometimes you just have to let people go, let things go, because they are toxic to you.
Don’t let things that happened in your past, last week, last year, last month… hold you back.
Focus on what’s really important, embrace the good times, the awesome stuff, be grateful even for the hiccups…
If you’re consistent with doing the things that will move you forward and bring you closer each day to your goals…
You will absolutely go above and beyond the fat loss goals, the body, the ultimate you dream body life that you visualize.
Make Monday’s your fresh start!
Massive hugs
Mandy xo