Barbell Bench Press
Lie flat on your back on a flat bench. If your feet don’t touch the floor (Your feet should be flat on the floor) adjust the bench to suit. Using a wide grip on your barbell (slightly wider than shoulder width apart) start with the barbell at arms length above your chest. Lower the barbell down to your middle chest (but not touching your chest). Push the barbell back up to starting position. Make sure you control the movement throughout the exercise. Repeat until you have completed your set.
Note: Beginners use a barbell with no added resistance (no weight plates) to ensure you’ve got the technique correct. Once you’ve conquered this you can gradually start adding resistance. Don’t forget to exhale as you push the barbell upwards.
Incline Bench Press
Seat yourself on the incline bench – which should be at a 30 degree angle. Your feet should be flat on the floor and your lower back flat and secure on the bench. Using a wide grip on your barbell (just past shoulder width apart), start with the bar at arms lenth above your upper chest. Lower the barbell down to your upper chest (but not touching your chest). Push the barbell back up to starting position. Make sure you control the movement throughout the exercise. Repeat until you have completed your set.
Note: Even if you bench press a hefty weight normally make sure you drop the resistance down for the Incline Bench Press. Most folk — especially when starting out – will find that they won’t be able to bench press the same resistance as the flat bench press. So play it safe. And train wisely. Beginners use a barbell with no added resistance (no weight plates) to ensure you’ve got the technique correct. Once you’ve conquered this you can gradually start adding resistance. Don’t forget to exhale as you push the barbell upwards.
Smith Machine Bench Press
Place a bench under the smith machine. Lie flat on your back on the bench with your feet touching the floor. If your feet don’t touch the floor, adjust the bench to suit.
If you have a look at the sides of the machine you will see large hooks either side which latch onto the frame work / rack. To unlatch the bar you slightly lift the bar and roll it forward until the hook is free from the frame. These bars are normally quite heavy so be careful. Start off using no weight plates – just the bar itself – until you get the movement correct.
Using a grip on the bar that’s slightly wider than shoulder width apart unlatch the bar and lower it down until it nearly touches your chest. Push the bar back up to starting position and repeat to complete your set. Then re-latch the bar at the end of the set.
Lying Dumbbell Flyes
You will need a flat bench and dumbells for this exercise. With a dumbbell in each hand, start from a seated position holding the dummbells at your waist. Carefully lie down on your back on a flat bench.
Start with the dumbbells directly above your chest, so they are at arms length. Your palms should be facing each other and your elbows slightly bent. Keeping your arms slightly bent throughout the exercise, lower the dumbbells out to your sides (in an arc type motion) until you feel a stretch across your chest. Your biceps should be lower than your chest when you feel the “stretch”. Slowly return your dumbbells to starting position. Exhale as you do this. Repeat this exercise until you have completed your set.
Note: if you’re using heavy weights – ask a training buddy to carefully pass the dumbbells to you while you’re lying down on the bench.
Dumbbell Chest Press
With a dumbbell in each hand, start from a seated position holding the dummbells at your waist. Carefully lie down on your back on a flat bench.
Lying on a flat bench, start with your dumbbells directly above your chest, at arms length with the sides of the dumbbells together. Have our palms facing fowards and your elbows slightly bent. Lower the dumbells down to the sides of your chest so that your arms are bent at a 90 degree angle. Return to starting position. Repeat the exercise until you have completed your set.
Note: if you’re using heavy weights – ask a training buddy to carefully pass the dumbbells to you while you’re lying down on the bench.
Seated Machine Bench Press
Seated in the machine with your back firmly against the back pad and your backside on the lower pad, keep your feet either on the floor (or on the foot pedals provided on the machine). Place your hands on the handgrips that are level with your chest (there are normally two to choose from). You can also adjust your seat up or down underneath the pad you are sitting on. Now push the handgrips forward so that your arms are nearly fully extended. Now bring the handgrips nearly all the way back to starting position then push them forward again repeating the exercise until you have completed your set. Keep the movement controlled.
Pec Deck Fly or Pec Deck Butterfly
Seated in the Pec Deck machine with your back firm against the back pad and your backside on the lower pad, keep your feet either on the floor or on the foot pedals provided on the machine. You may need to adjust the seat to suit your height. Place your forearms behind the pads, which should be directly to the sides of your chest. With your chest out push the pads around in an arc position so they meet together in front of you. Return the pads nearly all the way back to starting position then push the pads back around in front of you again. When you have completed the required amount of reps for your set you can return the pads all the way back and rest before starting on the next set.
Cable Crossovers
Stand in between two cables. Use the handle attachments, one on each cable, on the top pulley. Standing facing frontward, take a small step forward so you’ve got one foot in front of the other to help stabalise you through the exercise. With a cable either side of you, grasp a handle in each hand. Bend slightly forward with your upper body, keeping your chest out and midsection stable. Pull the handles together so they meet and cross over slightly in front of your pelvis. Slowly return and control the handles back to starting position then repeat the exercise again without having the weight plates touching or clunking. Repeat this exercise until you have completed your set.
© Mandy Gibbons
Virtual Fitness Trainer