Isn’t there a list that tells you what you should and shouldn’t eat?
The simple answer to this question is yes, there is an overabundance of lists telling people what they should eat and shouldn’t, but the lists can be very different depending on who wrote them. For example, a list written by someone promoting a low-carb diet would be very different than a list from someone advocating a vegetarian diet.
These types of lists do make things easier for people, but they also cause a number of problems. The fact is there is no list of foods or diet plan that is right for everyone, because everyone is different. Another complication is that different people want different things from their nutrition program. Some people focus on eating healthy, while others focus on losing weight and these are frequently not the same things, even though they should be.
Figuring out what each person should eat is further complicated by personal preferences and lifestyle (schedule, family member needs, etc.). A good place to start is by minimizing the foods that everyone agrees are bad (fried foods, trans-fats, refined sugar, highly processed foods, etc.). Then work on getting a good mix of quality protein, complex carbs, and healthy fat. The amounts of each will depend on your personal approach.
By Ross Harrison
VFT Fitness Expert
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