Do you ever have days when you’re feeling like you’re ready to give up on your fat loss nutrition plan?
Have you lost your appetite for eating healthy (continuously craving unhealthy food)?
Does the thought of doing food prep for meals that you’re really just not interested in eating make you feel disheartened?
Do you feel uninspired by the ongoing struggle of trying to consume foods on diets that are super restrictive and supposed to help you reduce body fat?
You’re thinking “all these other people are getting into great shape and seem to have their nutrition under control and getting great results… So how come I’m not?”
Well first up, let me tell you that you’re not the only one who feels like this. And just because someone looks like they have everything under control, doesn’t mean they don’t struggle. And if you pulled them aside and spoke with him about it one-to-one they will probably tell you that this is something they have had to work on as well.
And second, if you’re beating yourself up thinking this is all about willpower, it’s not.
Hormones can definitely affect your appetite and your hunger levels.
For example:
Not eating enough, can mess with your hormones that regulate your hunger and appetite. Really strict diets can affect hormones that control the speed at which food is processed and brain chemicals.
Which is why it’s so important to ensure that you have regular meals, with sensible portions, throughout the day and make your healthy lifestyle eating plan realistic and doable.
How often do you see people that are always on a diet, constantly hungry, experiencing mood swings and often emotional. Maybe this is you?
And when you’re experiencing this and feeling lousy physically you’re not really living the healthy lifestyle that you originally planned. Right?
So here’s what to do to get you “food” inspired…
Obviously mindset can also come into play with this, and you know how much I love mindset, but today I want to offer you a straight out (no woo – woo) practical solution that you can get started on as soon as you’ve finished reading this.
Think about some of your favourite foods that you’ve been craving – or would normally crave.
For example: pizza, burgers, fries, takeaway foods etc (whatever it is)…
You can absolutely make healthier versions of these that taste fantastic. And I’m not just saying that to try and convince you… I’m saying it because it’s true.
So make a list of your favourite takeaway foods or what would normally be considered “not so healthy food”… And start googling some healthier “cleaner” recipe options for them.
And take what flavours that you really enjoy into account. Do you prefer Italian, Thai, Indian – you name it… What flavours really excite you and stimulate your appetite? And use those seasonings, herbs and spices in those meals.
This will help you feel more excited about the meals that you’re going to be incorporating into your NEW eating plan. You’ll be drooling by the time you’ve finished getting those recipes together.
In creating these meals from scratch, also means that you can have more control over what goes into them. And I’m sure you’ve all heard the horror stories of the processes that take place to create your average junk food meal. How on earth it’s allowed to continue is ridiculous, not to mention disastrous for your overall health and your fat loss efforts.
So why not create versions of your most favourite foods that boost your metabolism and support fat loss and lean muscle at the same time. 🙂
Another example: desserts, something sweet
WOW, once again, there are so many options. Run through the same process. Remembering the taste and flavours that you love. And look for healthier recipe options.
If, say, you like chocolate and coconut, make some chocolate coconut proteins balls (you can add protein powder to these). If you like cakes or muffins, there are some terrific super healthy, metabolism boosting recipes out there that will totally nip your cravings in the bud while also allowing you to enjoy food you adore on a regular basis.
So don’t make your healthy lifestyle eating plan about what you can’t have, instead focus on what you can do to make it fun, to make it enjoyable and realistic.
So go get started, make a quick list of all your favourite foods, get onto Google ASAP and start running a recipe search, remember to consider your favourite flavours and foods you been craving for, find at least two healthier cleaner recipe options for each meal and then write down / book mark / take screen grabs of them. And get started on incorporating them within the next 24 hours.
I’d love to hear your own story about your experiences of losing your appetite due to restrictive dieting. Go ahead and include them in the comments box below… I can’t wait to hear from you.
Lots of hugs