Let’s cut to the chase…
If you don’t set your program up to succeed – then you’re flushing your chances of reaching your fitness goals down the drain.
You’re probably thinking – “well how the hell do I do that?”
Don’t be dismayed because that’s what I’m here to show you! 🙂
I know you’ve heard this before, but it’s true. If you’re unorganised and don’t plan ahead for hiccups, roadblocks, meals etc … you’ll be up the creek without a paddle.
If your training regime` is planned well, then there will be less room for mistakes. Leaving you more time and energy to get in there and remain focused, helping you stay “in the zone” – so to speak – so you don’t lose the plot when things in life don’t go as you’d hoped.
The following is an example (see below) of just some of the concerns that can freak you out, often causing you to quit completely, when starting your program OR even before you start.
And You could easily break down each of these points into their own categories and sub-points within them as well… if you want to really get into the nitty gritty of it and totally do your head in.
Looking at the following it’s simple to see how easily it can become so overwhelming for you to start a new fitness program. Just browsing through this alone, is enough to send you into a frenzy of “where do I start?”
You can download or view a larger size of this chart here…
And how how often have you found yourself…
While trying to get your head around all of this, with your workouts and nutrition, you then decide there must be an easier way to lose body fat and end up spendings $1000’s – not to mention time – trying to find easier quick fix solutions, short-cuts, taking on more information overload, instead of just getting on with the job of actually focusing on doing what you need to be doing.
Think about it…
If you take every single thing listed in the above graph, then continue to spend time searching the internet for solutions on each one over and over – but never take any action – all you’ll be doing is giving yourself a one way ticket to frustration. You’ll be swimming around in circles getting nowhere. Day after day, year after year.
Even folk that have their own personal fitness trainer, if they are dead set on second guessing everything and self sabotaging their program, will waste time trying to find other solutions… pretty much ruining their own efforts, and ignoring the trainers hard work to help them reach their fitness goals. What a waste of money and time!
Imagine, if they actually just put into action the expertise they had on hand, they’d make progress in less time, with better planning and more results.
If you had a quality fitness program laid out in front of you, that detailed everything from your eating through to what exercises and what resistance to perform. Why would you confuse yourself by throwing more stuff into the mix and making it even harder?
Whether it’s strategy or scheduling or whatever you want to call it, you need to get organised and get focused on making your fitness regime more straight forward so you can have a plan of attack to succeed.
These are just one of the many important things I work on with my own online personal fitness training clients. Maximizing your time, your efforts with a results based program is soooooooooooo much easier than second guessing your own attempts and throwing in the towel, right?
Don’t worry what everyone else is doing (eg… your friend tells you he / she bought some crazy fad thing that they’re going to try), remember everyone’s needs are different. You don’t need another fad to add to your collection. You need a program that’s suited to your needs – not someone’s else’s.
If you’re ready to truly transform your body, require a customized results based program – head here to find out how you can work with me as your personal fitness trainer and accountability coach .
The next lesson is MUST READ!
It will either bring you tears, give you that kick up the butt you need, or hit you like a tonne of bricks – OR all three.
Take care…
Mandy 🙂